One Small Reason to Give Thanks
/2010 tax return Of course, that's not really surprising, given the source of all the confusion. The U.S. Government Printing Office's own version of the Internal Revenue Code — available for the bargain price of just $179 — runs 3,387 pages. Add the IRS's regulations, for $974 more (shipping generously included!), and you're up to 16,845 pages. Sounds ugly, right? It is. (Trust us, we actually have to read this stuff.) But if you need any reason to be thankful this holiday season, be glad you're not responsible for filing the country's largest tax return.
New York Times 24,000 pages of paper. (That's 24,000 pages the IRS would have had to convert into electronic form anyway.)
Oh, and of course they get audited, every year. Imagine the smile that brings to everyone's faces.
Here's the good news. You don't need a staff of 975 to manage your taxes. You just need a plan to make the most of every deduction, credit, loophole, and strategy the law allows. Now the bad news. Time is running out to get that plan. So enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family. Brave the crowds for some Black Friday shopping if you feel like stimulating the economy. Then call us to make sure you're not missing any opportunity to bring good things to life!