Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock – Who is Button Gwinnett?

Our 4th of July holiday will be happening soon. It kicks off our summer season and is a chance to reflect on what makes this country great. The stand that our founding fathers took when they issued the Declaration of Independence. This act was not without consequences for them. They pledged their “lives... fortunes... and scared honor.” in pursuit of their stand to create a free independent state from the tyranny of the king -

With their stand, they brought our way of life and the opportunity for each of us to create for ourselves our own American Dream. The opportunity to improve our lives and create our own futures through challenging work, planning, and education.

The most recognized signer of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson – accredited as its author. John Hancock is universally recognized because of the audacity and boldness of his signature. But do you know who Button Gwinnett is?

Button Gwinnett is a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He relocated to Georgia from England in 1735 at the age of 30. He failed in multiple business activities. He entered politics and was an advocate for independence from England. Yes. He participated in the Congress and signed the Declaration. Unfortunately, he came to an untimely end about a year later. He was Governor of Georgia and suffered a defeat at the polls. He challenged his adversary – Governor McIntosh – to a duel. While both men had injuries, only Gwinnett died. He was buried in the Colonial Park Cemetary in Savannah, Georgia.

With the law of supply and demand, a shortage exists of Button Gwinnett’s signature due to his untimely end. There are only 51 known signatures on the Declaration of Independence. The fewer signatures available, the higher the value. With the limited number of signatures for Button Gwinnett, his signatures are worth more than those of Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many other major historical figures. In 2010, his signature sold for $722,500.

Due to the stand that the founding fathers have taken, we live in the best country possible. Our founding fathers believed that they could break from the past and create their own future. We believe that you can do that too. We believe in a world where anything is possible.

We take the stand that you can achieve your American Dream. We cannot do it for you, but we can assist by providing you the opportunity to attend the American Dream Experience offer over Zoom on July 20 and 21 from 9 AM to 5 PM Arizona time. At the American Dream Experience, you can discover for yourself what investing really is, how it works, and how it can fulfill your purpose in life. You do not have to risk your life, fortune, and sacred honor to achieve your dreams, you can attend the American Dream Experience. Ask your coach how you may register to participate in this program.

Paul Barry


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